Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I am a storyteller. I write short stories, novels, and screenplays. None of them have been published yet, but I'm getting closer all the time. My uncle is a novelist, my friends are novelists and other media professionals. I am just getting ready to get some stuff out the door. I plan to be a publishing author within the next ten years. I HAVE published articles in magazines in the past, so I plan on keeping that going. It is time. A new update: I completed the first draft of the screenplay. Now to let it sit six weeks.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Try this again...

I'm trying this blog thing again. I think my last one was a little too ambitious and bit off more than I could really chew. So for this one, I am just going to try and do a daily journal of my final steps as I approach a milestone in my life: I am getting ready to submit my first stories for publication.

I should have my first real post ready to go tomorrow morning. Welcome readers and hang on for the ride. I'm not even sure where it will end.


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