Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I am a storyteller. I write short stories, novels, and screenplays. None of them have been published yet, but I'm getting closer all the time. My uncle is a novelist, my friends are novelists and other media professionals. I am just getting ready to get some stuff out the door. I plan to be a publishing author within the next ten years. I HAVE published articles in magazines in the past, so I plan on keeping that going. It is time. A new update: I completed the first draft of the screenplay. Now to let it sit six weeks.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

NaNoWriMo Eve

31 October 2006

Tomorrow it begins! Tomorrow morning I’m actually going to drag my sorry bottom out of bed and get to work on National Novel Writing Month. I have my plot all drawn out and I hope enough particulars to be able to complete the 50,000 word novel. I will be competing this month with my friend Ken Jennings, father of the Ken Jennings of Jeopardy. It will be really cool I just hope my idea is good enough to develop into a novel. I feel that it is, but I’ve only made it 34,000 with a previous project.

But, fortunately, my wife has offered to take the kids with her over to her friend’s house tomorrow. I am going to take full advantage of the days off I have again before my next contract or, finally, full-time employment. But, as my friend Lee says, most full-time writers go through many day jobs before they are able to get into full-time writing. I’m going to try and follow David Morrell’s advice and have three years worth of savings before I quit my day job.



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