Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I am a storyteller. I write short stories, novels, and screenplays. None of them have been published yet, but I'm getting closer all the time. My uncle is a novelist, my friends are novelists and other media professionals. I am just getting ready to get some stuff out the door. I plan to be a publishing author within the next ten years. I HAVE published articles in magazines in the past, so I plan on keeping that going. It is time. A new update: I completed the first draft of the screenplay. Now to let it sit six weeks.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Off and Running

I made it off the starting blocks yesterday morning at 6:30. I had been up six times that night with my lovely children and decided, since I was already up at 6:00, I’d take a half-hour power nap and then start. I started, and finished around 8:00. I also got to keep writing throughout the day, thanks to my lovely wife for understanding and supporting me in doing so.

I, today, am sitting just short of twenty pages, double-spaced, and will access the web tomorrow and post my success on the NaNoWriMo page. This is getting exciting and fun. I want to get at least ten pages per day in until I get back to a day job so I can have that cushion to fall back on if I need to. I’d rather not have to; I’d just rather exceed the 50,000 word goal and have it ready for judging on the 30th without having to worry about any real writing on the last day. Also, I don’t write on Sundays, so I find I need to kind of make up for that day’s five pages throughout the week. But I’m not really missing anything if I don’t I just write on a six-day week.

My edit for my first-completed short story, “Crisis” is almost complete. Then I’ll input the corrections and get the work to Kori. After her edits are input, I will give it out to my friends for their approval and perusal. I hope to meet the 31 December deadline for Writers of the Future, but I might not make it. So, I might just hold out for the 31 March deadline instead.



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