Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I am a storyteller. I write short stories, novels, and screenplays. None of them have been published yet, but I'm getting closer all the time. My uncle is a novelist, my friends are novelists and other media professionals. I am just getting ready to get some stuff out the door. I plan to be a publishing author within the next ten years. I HAVE published articles in magazines in the past, so I plan on keeping that going. It is time. A new update: I completed the first draft of the screenplay. Now to let it sit six weeks.

Monday, March 12, 2007

I haven’t blogged in a while. For that matter, I don’t think anyone actually ever looks at these. But I guess I write them more for me, to have a bit of a record as I make my way through the sledge to the bright shores of publication and prepare for the whole new strain and struggle that will be. I am writing my story, many thanks so far and more to come to LM for all the help you’ve been thus far. Thanks to Neil Gaiman, though he’ll probably never read this, for blogging and showing me that I can be a writer and be normal as well. He is a dad, just as I am, and he successfully juggles his writing career around his family. I do find it hard, though, to write when I have work from 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday and have to drive an hour each way. (I know people in New York are saying ‘cry me a river’ but for me it is hard.) I don’t have the option, really, of car-pooling, having a wife with the occasional special need or emergency, as our lovely children end up hitting her or damaging her at least every other day, I have to have the flexibility and mobility of being able to leave at a moment’s notice. And then even when bedtime hits, it is not always well received or respected. What can expect? They’re two and one.

But I love all three of my dependents, they are the light of my life and world. Art serves life, not the other way around. I write because A) I have to and B) my family deserves better than they’ve had. Kori deserves better than she has ever had in her life. I know money won’t make that happen, but perhaps my writing and the money I will get from it will make it easier for us to be able to do the things Kori and I have been denied in our childhoods.

Such is love, such is life.


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