Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

I am a storyteller. I write short stories, novels, and screenplays. None of them have been published yet, but I'm getting closer all the time. My uncle is a novelist, my friends are novelists and other media professionals. I am just getting ready to get some stuff out the door. I plan to be a publishing author within the next ten years. I HAVE published articles in magazines in the past, so I plan on keeping that going. It is time. A new update: I completed the first draft of the screenplay. Now to let it sit six weeks.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Thank's Chris!

I had despaired that no one was reading my blog anyway. I was getting ready to throw in the towel on this whole blogging thing. But someone actually read my blog. Thank you Mr. McKitterick for your comment, it has given me hope that when I link my own future website to this one, I will continue to write here. I thank him for reading it. The fact that he took the trouble to read it just makes him all the cooler for having done it. Check him out at . I hope, maybe in a summer or two, to be going out to Lawrence, Kansas (a really fun place I’ve been to before) to enroll in the summer SF workshop. Right now that is still too hard to arrange as Kori and I have two kids under three. I still write daily (almost) and have not given up my hopes of achieving all the “new author” awards I will qualify for with my first book. But, I need to get on the stick and get things finished.

Speaking of which, I actually (read: finally) finished inputting my corrections to “Crisis of the Mind,” my first completed short story (read: novella; I am a little long-winded). I’m handing it off to Kori again for review. Then it’s to input her corrections and I do that big step and hand it off to my readers, whom I hope will include a couple of my friends (and relative).

I guess that should be all for now, I have to get back to work.

Peace all!


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